Literacy Today
Literacy Today is a magazine published termly that provides a unique cross-sector perspective, from early years to continuing education, on current literacy issues across practice, policy and research. It reports on successful literacy teaching practices, exciting initiatives involving the arts and libraries, literacy work in prisons and the reporting of research which informs literacy practices.
Each issue includes news articles, a research section, reviews of major reports and other documents, conference reports, and reports of parliamentary debates and answers to written parliamentary questions on literacy, including libraries.
Literacy Today was first published by the National Literacy Trust in October 1994. In 1999 the Trust invited the Education Publishing Company to publish the magazine on its behalf, with the Trust retaining editorial control. In 2005 the partnership between the Trust and EPC changed, as EPC took on editorial responsibility with the Trust continuing to be involved until 2011. From 2012 Literacy Today, along with all our other titles, moved to electronic publishing and a print edition is no longer available. It moved to its present termly format at the same time.