Education Journal was founded as a monthly magazine in 1996 and became a weekly in 2012. In January 2017 it absorbed the weekly Education, first published in 1903, and Children’s Services Weekly, published between 2012 and December 2016.
The password-protected area of this web site is available to those subscribers with a multiple user license. In addition to Education Journal and its back issues, this area of the site will in time include copies of the following titles that have been merged into Education Journal:
Children’s Services Weekly
Education Journal
Education Journal Wales/Cymru
Education Journal
Education Journal is a weekly magazine covering all phases of education. It includes news, features, analysis, conference and parliamentary reports, reviews of major documents and reports of educational research. Its reference pages include a selection of answers to written parliamentary questions and details of all education statutory instruments, government policy papers, consultations, consultation outcomes and education statistics.