EPM circle

Education Parliamentary Monitor (EPM) reports on the full range of parliamentary activity covering education and training and on some activity in Whitehall. This includes all stages of legislation, and reports of all education debates, committee activity including reviews of all relevant select committee reports, answers to written questions, delegated legislation (statutory instruments), policy papers, official COVID-19 announcements for the whole UK, early day motions and other activity. 

There are two editions of EPM. Each week a series of ten reports are published covering the previous week’s educational activity in parliament and Whitehall, and listing what is coming up ahead. This is the weekly edition, and can be sent to subscribers by email and accessed via our website.  

The cumulative edition, which is updated each week, publishes a series of 22 reports each of which covers one area of activity for the whole year. Reports cover such areas as debates in the Commons, official COVID-19 announcements, debates in the Lords, early day motions, select committee reports, etc. The cumulative edition can be accessed from this website.

Education Parliamentary Monitor has been covering parliamentary debates on education since 1996. Reports of parliamentary activity for previous years are available as part of the cumulative edition. 

The weekly and cumulative editions are available in the password protected area.

Education Parliamentary Monitor has been covering parliamentary debates on education since 1996. Reports of parliamentary activity for previous years are available as part of the cumulative edition. 

The weekly and cumulative editions are available in the password protected area.

Education Parliamentary Monitor

Education Parliamentary Monitor One year subscription

Education Parliamentary Monitor Two year subscription